PROJECT LEADS: Georgina Bough/Rheanan Buckle
Contact Details: gmbough@googlemail.com, rheananbuckle@doctors.org.uk
Multicentre, prospective study of the management of post-appendicectomy collections in children
Intra-abdominal collections are a relatively common complication of appendicectomy – the most common emergency operation in children. Management can be medical, surgical or radiological. Practice has evolved organically and there are no multicentre data describing current practice or outcomes.
We aim to describe current patterns of practice across the UK and outcomes of treatment. We also hope to identify factors that may influence the choice of / success of one method of treatment over another.
A multicentre, prospective observation of the management of children with post appendicectomy collections managed in paediatric surgical centres across the UK. Eligible patients are <16 at the time of collection diagnosis, with an intra-abdominal collection following appendicectomy who are treated in a paediatric surgical centre. Patients with non-operatively treated appendicitis, an intra-abdominal collection after another operation or a collection in another anatomic space (e.g. subcutaneous) are not eligible.
Data will be collected using REDCAP and contributors acknowledged in any publication.
- July 2023: data collection underway, over 50 patients in the database.
- The PAC study has been running in most centres for almost a year now!
- Please keep identifying patients who have a collection post appendicectomy to your local study lead. We look forward to sharing the results of this soon. If you have any questions about this please contact Rheanan.Buckle@alderhey.nhs.uk for more information.
- Data collection is now complete! (December 2024).