Use of acid-suppressing medication in patients with pyloric stenosis
Pyloric stenosis is a common condition managed by Paediatric Surgeons. Effective initial management of these patients is critical in preparing them for safe operative intervention due to the metabolic derangement they present with. There have been no recent studies specifically regarding UK-wide practice in pre-operative management of pyloric stenosis.
Primary aim: Prospectively evaluate current practice and outcomes in the pre-operative management of pyloric stenosis in UK paediatric surgery centres.
Secondary aim: evaluate the use of pre-operative fluid regimes and acid-suppressing medication in patients with pyloric stenosis.
Study Design
Prospective observational study for all patients treated for pyloric stenosis
Over 1 year; across UK paediatric surgery centres; collected via RedCap
Descriptive and inferential statistics will be used to analyse results.
Data to include:
Basic demographics
Duration and nature of symptoms
Blood gas at presentation (worst gas)
Use of NG tube (pre and post-op)
Pre-operative medication/duration/mode
Alginates, PPI, H2 receptor antagonist
IV fluid protocol
Time to correction of blood gas
All parameters / corrected to the point of being safe for theatre
Mode of operative intervention
Duration of hospital stay
Duration of post-op stay
This study is a service evaluation as per HRA guidance. Participating sites will therefore be required to register the study locally as such. The study will not result in any alterations to the care of patients included. Ethical approval is therefore not required.
Author contributions
All contributors will receive collaborative authorship on any presentations/publications that arise from this study.
We will be aiming to start data-collection in January 2025.
If you would like to be involved as a local collaborator or if you have any queries please contact c.roy1@nhs.net​​​